What Are the Symptoms of the Ear Infection?
Once you have an ear infection, it will very soon make you realize its presence. The infection cannot remain dormant or unexpressed for long it expresses in form of the symptoms of ear infection. It makes you attain it within a day or two; may be sometimes within hours.
There are many causes of the infection. It may start from simple cold or sinus infection. Respiratory system infection may also ignite the infection as the same bacteria or virus may cause the infection.
But there is one silly reason also which can result in the infection of ear. Water residue inside the ear while taking shower or swimming can also help the infection inside the ear to grow. Many times the presence of excess of wax in the ear prevents the water to drain out.

But rarely a person having a small ear tube cannot drain the water in the ear which usually enters in at the time of taking a bath. The presence of the water in ear increases the chance to start the infection. This is the reason why the people with repeated ear infection are referred to the ENT specialist.
The symptoms of infection of ear include pain in the ear and inability to balance leading to dizziness and inability to balance which at times may lead to vomiting. The symptoms of ear infection also include the temporary deafness along with the running nose and discharge from the ear. The infection if neglected may show fever of 101 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. The untreated infection of ear may also lead the ear to damage permanently as the infection and the fluid levels inside may burst the ear drum. The headache and pain are the common most symptoms of ear infection.
All these symptoms of the infection of ear make it hard to diagnose in children as they cannot express their feelings. Having smaller canals could also be one of the reasons. Children often have cough and cold. This bacteria or virus may also cause the ear infection in children. What we can do is just to keep an eye on the movements of the children. If you observe them tugging at the ear you must visit the doctor before it becomes painful for the child.
If you observe any of these symptoms of ear infection, you should seek medical help. The doctor will use an otoscope to examine the ear. He will give you whatever he feels right for you; may be a course of antibiotics or rarely an operation.
What you can do to prevent to infection is what remains in your hand. You must dry the ears after a bath or swim. You can also prevent the accumulation of the wax in ear by periodically cleaning the ears.
- https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00001605
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