Knowing How to Take Care of Your Hair While You Are on Vacation
Below, you will find some good information about how to take care of your hair in summer time:
Sea water
Sea water is filled with salt and minerals, which is very good for our face and skin, but very harmful for our hair. Sea water makes hair look dull because salt crystals damage hair scales and they start bristle up. Salt draws out moisture from hair, dries hair out and makes it fragile, messes it up. To avoid it apply protection cosmetics from sun lines for hair. Apply it very generously so that it will be enough to cover every hair.

Gels and oils cover hair, sleek hair scales, prevent salt from getting inside. Many of such protection cosmetics have sparkles that provide your hair with healthy glow.
In the evening, after swimming do a moisturizing procedure for hair. It will be especially good for dry hair. Mix your daytime protecting product with hair mask and apply to dry hair, then wear a shower hat. Wait for 2-3 minutes, then shampoo your hair and apply the mixture again on wet hair. Wait for 5-10 minutes. You will be pleased by the result.
Water in pools usually does not contain salt, but it contains something even worse - chlorine. During your vacation chlorinated water will reduce to zero your colorist's hard work. Light color hair will become greenish, maroon - reddish-vinous. To protect your hair from chlorine use same protection hair products from sun lines, be sure that the product has 'anti-chlorine' note on it. You can also use rubber hat to protect hair from chlorine. When you are back from pool rinse your hair with warm water and shampoo it with product from hair sun line. Such shampoos contain anti-chlorine components and also wash away sand and salt good. If your blond hair became greenish use this simple tip - apply a mixture of cleansing face mask with kaolin (white clay) and wash it away in 15 minutes, then generously apply hair conditioner. Your blond will be as good as new.
Tap water
Water that run from taps in Asian and African countries is far from European Standarts. Especially water is bad in Turkey, India and Egypt. Tap water there is hard, contains a lot of lime and not properly cleaned. It is dangerous not only for drinking but also for cleaning face and brushing teeth. Of course no one will bring their own water to vacation, but i highly recommend to buy water from local shops or get it from hotel restaurants and use it for cleaning face, brushing teeth and rinsing hair.
It is common knowledge that hair fade in the sun. It happens because ultraviolet breaks proteins and lipids structure, damages hair pigments. Do not go out without a hat. It will be even better to additionally apply sun protection product on hair and refresh it before each swim. Some of sun protection products protect your hair not only from sun but also from chlorine and salt.
Dry air increases evaporation from face, body and of course hair. The situation is getting worse because of conditions at night, which you just cannot say no to because of crazy heat. Hair dryers, poor diet (especially alcohol), sun, salt and chlorine are not helping either. All these factors make our hair ends look lifeless, dull, whitish, change color, split and break. You can protect hair ends with special creams that you don't need to wash off. Such products will smooth hair scales, protect from water getting inside, moisturize hair. It will be best to apply such product several times a day followed by a sun screen spray, as light creams for hair ends do not contain sun screen. Special night products for hair will help you to protect hair at night. Products for night moisturize, repair, smooth hair give hair shine and healthy look. If you color your hair and you want to keep the color and hair quality long do not neglect protecting and caring hair products.
If you have your vacation in a country with humid climate, your hair will most probably suffer from curling and loss of volume. What to do? Don't panic. First - take with you products for curly hair, they contain polymers that make curls more elastic and thick. Second - learn how to do basic simple summer hairdos. For instance, get hair away from the face and fix on back of the head, also you can tease a little bit hair near face and fix them with beautiful hairpin. Try to twist your hair in plaits and fix them on back on head with hairpins. If you have curly hair, make a side parting and make a low bun. Fix one or two fresh flowers in your hair - no one will ever understand you made this hairdo yourself. You can find more simple hair styles on my site in hair-do category.
Loosing hair in 30 degrees heat is the same as putting a wool scarf on your neck. To feel good in heat, learn to do simple summer hairdos like pony tails, buns and twists. You can find more simple hair styles on my site in hairdos category. Before departure, go to hair salon and ask a stylist do a fantasy braid, something interesting and not very easy. Such hairdo can last up to four days and you will be totally comfortable wearing it. Just do not forget sun spray. After you will have to loosen,it go to a local hair salon and try what they can offer you. But no cuts and coloring - you do not want to risk your hair.
Spicy food can increase sebaceous excretions, which is bad news for face, but good news for hair as sun dries hair out.
Be careful trying local food because if you get food poisoning it can lead to loss of hair. As well as changing climate, often swimming and sun bathing. If it happened to you, treat your hair when you get home - eat vitamins and use hair repairing products.
If you follow all the recommendations in this post and the one above then you will find yourself with one bag with clothes and one bag full of cosmetics. I recommend to join hands with your girls and split the bottles. Also you can put the products you need in little bottles special for traveling.
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